Weekly Update

There was no service May 27, but we had a picnic lunch at Robert and Lisa’s.

Sunday, June 3 will be a discussion of our Covenant of Right Relations.

Weekly Update

There will be no gathering or service Sunday, May 27, because most of us will be traveling out of town for Memorial Day weekend.

The draft bylaws were discussed and revised this week, and will be finalized Sunday, June 3.

Sunday 20 May 2012


At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.

Chalice Lighting

We light this chalice to remember that life is born again every day.
submitted by la Sociedad Unitaria Universalista de España


Hymn – Over My Head

Story for the Kids – Serious Trouble

Responsive Reading
A Child’s Laughter” by Harry J. Couchon Jr.

In the Movie of Life There are Going to be Spit Takes


Joys and Concerns

Hymn – Come, Sing a Song with Me

Closing Prayer



Suzie Hall
Service Leader

Weekly Update

Suzie Hall will be leading the service Sunday, May 20.

We will have a business meeting during the 5 p.m. gathering hour next Sunday, May 20, to review and adopt the bylaws draft and other business.

Weekly updates and news will be now be posted here on the website instead of going to the email group so they will be available to everyone; we will be using the email group for discussions.  If you would like to get the posts by email rather than checking the blog, click the “Follow WFUU by email” button in the right-hand sidebar.

We also have a new Facebook page, which you can Like to get the WFUU posts in your Facebook newsfeed, and a Google+ page if you prefer Google+.   See the Follow section in the sidebar.

Sunday 13 May 2012

What My Imperfect Mother Taught Me About Perfection

Chalice Lighting

We light this candle as a symbol of our faith.
By its light may our vision be illumined;
By its warmth may our fellowship be encouraged;
And by its flame may our yearnings for peace, justice and the life of the spirit be enkindled.


Reading: Mothers That Inspire

Lesson: What my Imperfect Mother Taught Me About Perfection

“The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good” What does this mean? Perfect is the enemy of good is an aphorism or proverb which is commonly attributed to Voltaire whose moral poem, La Bégueule, starts[1]

Dans ses écrits, un sàge Italien
Dit que le mieux est l’ennemi du bien.

(In his writings, a wise Italian
says that the best is the enemy of the good)

The moral is that perfectionism is contrary to a satisfactory competence. Aristotle, Confucius and other classical philosophers propounded the principle of the golden mean which counsels against extremism in general.[2] The Pareto principle or 80-20 rule explains this numerically. For example, it commonly takes 20% of the full time to complete 80% of a task while the last 20% takes 80% of the effort.[3] Achieving absolute perfection may be impossible and so, as increasing effort results in diminishing returns, further activity becomes increasingly inefficient. (Wikipedia)

Today I want to share with you some of the lessons I learned from my own mom, who was less than perfect, as we all are. In fact, she was downright dysfunctional. Her flaws and antics could have scarred me for life. But instead she raised a confident, thoughtful, caring, joyful person who is only somewhat dysfunctional (but who isn’t somewhat dysfunctional?). Her love for me was greater than that she had for herself. Out of her pain, somehow she managed to confer upon me the peace she could not feel. I am the Pheonix, arising from the ashes of my mother’s life.

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