Sunday, 19 May 2024: The Artist At Work

Black and white image of fish and birds blending into each other

My mother’s name will only appear in texts or in conversations because she was my mother — the mother of a man who inexplicably became famous. I want you to know, however, that my mother was a great artist, a powerful artist who poured creativity and ingenuity and brilliance into raising her children, infusing us all with imagination and the ability — with no paranormal influences — to remove ourselves, to lift our bodies and our minds, from locations and situations that were brutal. That is art, and if we studied people like my mother, there would be shelves of books on her work with her children, her friends, her small circle of enchanted friends. Tennessee [Williams]’s mother was like this. I bet yours is too.

We walk among art each and every day — not just the music and the buildings and the offerings of professional so-called artists. Examine a life — any life — and you’ll find the artist at work. We survive by so many means, by the crafting of characters, the stringing together of words and biographies that get us from nine to five; from humiliation to humiliation; from sunrise to sunset. Study those artists as well. And ask all of us so-called professional artists how we might encourage everyone to build and honor that artistic impulse within all of us.

The artistic suicide is not only the drug-addicted actor; the alcoholic singer; the writer who makes bad choice after bad choice. Artistic suicide, like charity, begins at home. We kill the artists within ourselves in the quest to get by, to walk within the lines, to mind our manners.

Write about that.

— Marlon Brando, in conversation with James Grissom, July 1990

We are currently having a full service on the first Sunday of each month, and a discussion on the other Sundays. We have completed Exploring, volume 2 of Building Your Own Theology, and this Sunday are continuing our practice of discussing a different short reading each Sunday.

We will open with a very brief service and chalice lighting, after which members will guide each other through the discussion. This week’s reading is from James Grissom’s interview with Marlon Brando in 1990.

All are welcome to participate.

** NOTE: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday. **

Please Join us for Worship.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse.

Children are welcome. The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom. You may park in the lot on the west side of the building; DO NOT PARK in the Washington Avenue pay lot. Please enter through the door at the back on the west side of the building.


Note: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday.

A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing, follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 12 May 2024: Seeing

I put on my newly acquired and still frustrating reading glasses and lament my middle-aged vision. The words on the page float in and out of focus. How is it possible that I can no longer see what was once so plain? My fruitless strain to see what I know is right in front of me reminds me of my first trip to the Amazon rain forest. Our indigenous guides would patiently point out the iguana resting on a branch or the toucan looking down at us through the leaves. What was so obvious to their practiced eyes was nearly invisible to us. Without practice, we simply couldn’t interpret the pattern of light and shadow as “iguana” and so it remained right before our eyes, frustratingly unseen.

— Robin Wall Kimmerer

We are currently having a full service on the first Sunday of each month, and a discussion on the other Sundays. We have completed Exploring, volume 2 of Building Your Own Theology, and this Sunday are beginning a new practice of discussing a different short reading each Sunday.

We will open with a very brief service and chalice lighting, after which members will guide each other through the discussion. This week’s reading is from Robin Wall Kimmerer, Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses.

All are welcome to participate.

** NOTE: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday. **

Please Join us for Worship.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse.

Children are welcome. The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom. You may park in the lot on the west side of the building; DO NOT PARK in the Washington Avenue pay lot. Please enter through the door at the back on the west side of the building.


Note: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday.

A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing, follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday 5 May 2024: Church! What Is It Good For?

People who have never been Unitarian Universalists often ask me why we bother with the whole church thing. Buildings and ministers are expensive. Committees and classes and Sunday services are time-consuming. And for what? Our churches don’t promise to take us to heaven. At the end of the day, we’re going to make up our own minds about the big questions anyway, and choose a path through life according to our own consciences. So what’s the point?

When our values are threatened, a congregation is an anchor against despair.

Doug Muder  from “Let’s Get Started Together” in UU World 1/30/2017

Lisa deGruyter will lead the service. She says “Many times my UU faith has been an anchor against despair, and my congregation a place where I could reaffirm I was not alone in beliefs that didn’t seem to be shared, or were actively condemned, by the culture around me.”

Please Join us for Worship.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse.

Children are welcome. The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom. You may park in the lot on the west side of the building; DO NOT PARK in the Washington Avenue pay lot. Please enter through the door on the west side of the building.


If you wish to join on ZOOM, please contact us for logon information. If you prefer not to be seen, video is optional. If you would like to participate, please email for details and a link, or for help with using ZOOM.

A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing (including ZOOM participants), follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us.

If you have been a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 28 April 2024: Margaret Fuller’s Transcendentalist “Credo”

[Margaret Fuller] was a leading light among the Transcendentalists. While for much of America Transcendentalism was a literary explosion, in fact it was a religious revolution. Birthed within Boston and the immediate surrounding areas among Unitarians, clergy and laypeople, Transcendentalism’s influences have continued to this day.

James Ford

We are currently having a full service on the first Sunday of each month, and a discussion on the other Sundays. We have completed Exploring, volume 2 of Building Your Own Theology, and this Sunday are beginning a new practice of discussing a different short reading each Sunday.

We will open with a very brief service and chalice lighting, after which members will guide each other through the discussion.

All are welcome to participate. The reading for this week is “A Faithful Skeptic: Margaret Fuller’s Transcendentalist “Credo”, by James Ford.

** NOTE: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday. **

Please Join us for Worship.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse.

Children are welcome. The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom. You may park in the lot on the west side of the building; DO NOT PARK in the Washington Avenue pay lot. Please enter through the door at the back on the west side of the building.


Note: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday.

A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing, follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 21 April 2024: Ready-Made Religion

… just as some of us understand that when we are trying to buy a new dress or suit, the ready-made cuts and sizes are never going perfectly to fit us, some of us also understand that the ready-made religions are never going perfectly fit us either, and that something more fitting can be made. This realization is, of course, precisely what drove the reforms Shakyamuni Buddha and Jesus sought to make to their own ages’ established religions and spiritual traditions.

Rev. Andrew Brown

We are currently having a full service on the first Sunday of each month, and a discussion on the other Sundays. We have completed Exploring, volume 2 of Building Your Own Theology, and this Sunday are beginning a new practice of discussing a different short reading each Sunday.

We will open with a very brief service and chalice lighting, after which members will guide each other through the discussion.

All are welcome to participate. The reading for this week is “Will Ready-Made Religions Ever Really Fit Us Properly“, by Rev. Andrew Brown.

** NOTE: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday. **

Please Join us for Worship.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse.

Children are welcome. The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom. You may park in the lot on the west side of the building; DO NOT PARK in the Washington Avenue pay lot. Please enter through the door at the back on the west side of the building.


Note: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday.

A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing, follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 14 April 2024: Ocean Parable

However, sometimes, whilst we are flailing away, we have all experienced “times when waves overtake us from behind, lifting us up and along” and from these moments, Bugbee says “we may take courage and be thankful.” But our new-found courage and thankfulness can all too easily and quickly morph into the delusional thought that, somehow, “in the exhilaration of swift swimming” we can now “claim as our own the power of the wave.” This is what Bugbee calls “demonic swimming”, a state in which we suffer the illusion that we have “not fallen into flailing” but have, instead, “become the masters of our element” and are now fully in control.

Naturally, however, after the crest of the wave comes the trough, and so there inevitably also come those moments when we begin to drop and this movement throws us into depression and despair and leads us to think that there’s nothing that can be done, except either to go down like lead or to start our frantic flailing once again. 

Rev. Andrew Brown discussing Henry Bugbee’s The Inward Morning

We are currently been having a full service on the first Sunday of each month, and a discussion on the other Sundays. We have completed Exploring, volume 2 of Building Your Own Theology, and this Sunday are beginning a new practice of discussing a different short reading each Sunday.

We will open with a very brief service and chalice lighting, after which members will guide each other through the discussion.

All are welcome to participate. The reading for this week is Ocean Parable by Kenneth Kenichi Tanaka. There is also a video of him telling this story.

If you would like more context, Rev. Andrew Brown’s address on THE SUSTAINING SEA AND THE NEED TO TAKE EVEN STROKES IN THESE VERY UNEVEN TIMES ties this to the philosophy of Henry Bugbee.

** NOTE: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday. **

Please Join us for Worship.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse.

Children are welcome. The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom. You may park in the lot on the west side of the building; DO NOT PARK in the Washington Avenue pay lot. Please enter through the door at the back on the west side of the building.


Note: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday.

A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing, follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday April 7, 2024: Flower Ceremony

Please bring flowers to share in the service.  Whatever is blooming, or a twig in bud, is fine.

Everyone is invited to lunch at Robert and Lisa’s house after the service; ham, potato salad, and rolls will be provided. Other dishes to share are welcome.

We will have our Flower Ceremony, which was created by Dr. Norbert Čapek for the Liberal Religious Fellowship he founded in Prague, then Czechoslavakia, in 1925, and which became the largest Unitarian Church in the world. He sought a ceremony that would celebrate love and community and the interdependent web of life and love among a new and diverse congregation drawn from many backgrounds, and which would be a celebration not tied to any older religious ceremonies, which many of his congregation had rejected. Nearly a hundred years later, it is celebrated by many Unitarian Universalist congregations everywhere.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse. A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing (including ZOOM participants), follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us. If you prefer not to be seen, video is optional. If you would like to participate, please email for details and a link, or for help with using ZOOM.

We would love to have you come worship with us.

Children are welcome. There are activities available for toddlers during the service.

The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom. You may park on the south side of the building, which is marked reserved for the PWA.


The schedule for the current adult religious education class is here.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 31 March 2024: Building Your Own Theology, Volume 2, Session 10

Datura wrightii flower opening, pure white with pinkish highlights in a silky pinwheel

Touch not my lips with the white fire
From the glowing altar of some peaceful shrine.
Thrust not into my hands the scroll of wisdom
Gleaned through the patient toil of the centuries;
Give me no finished chart that I may follow
Without effort or the bitter taste of tears.
I do not crave the comfort of the ancient creeds,
Nor the sheltered harbor where the great winds cease to blow;
But winnow my heart, O God; torture my mind
With doubt. Let me feel the clean gales of the open sea,
Until Thy creative life is my life and my joy;
One with the miracle of Spring and the blowing grain,
The yearning of my fellowmen and the endless reach of stars.

— Alfred Storer Cole (1893-1977), “Touch Not My Lips with the White Fire”

This Sunday we will continue our religious education program with Exploring, volume 2 of Building Your Own Theology. In session ten we will discuss A Spiritual Check-Up: Where Do We Go from Here? The course description and schedule are here.

We will open with a very brief service and chalice lighting, after which members will guide each other through the course of study and discussions.

Please note that you are welcome to participate whether or not you have been keeping up to date on the sessions. We are using the course plan as a guide for discussion, not as a formula to arrive at any specific educational goal — we are, after all, working on *our own theologies*, not learning anyone’s official doctrine. All are welcome to participate. The reading for session ten is here.

** NOTE: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday. **

Please Join us for Worship.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse.

Children are welcome. The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom. You may park in the lot on the west side of the building; DO NOT PARK in the Washington Avenue pay lot. Please enter through the door on the west side of the building.


Note: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday.

A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing, follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 24 March 2024: Building Your Own Theology, Volume 2, Session 10

Autumn Crocus

I call that mind free, which sets no bounds to its love, which is not imprisoned in itself or in a sect, which recognises in all human beings the image of God and the rights of his children, which delights in virtue and sympathises with suffering wherever they are seen, which conquers pride, anger, and sloth, and offers itself up a willing victim to the cause of mankind.

— William Ellery Channing, “Spiritual Freedom: Discourse Preached at the Annual Election, Boston, May 26, 1830”.

This Sunday we will continue our religious education program with Exploring, volume 2 of Building Your Own Theology. In session ten we will discuss A Spiritual Check-Up: Where Do We Go from Here? The course description and schedule are here.

We will open with a very brief service and chalice lighting, after which members will guide each other through the course of study and discussions.

Please note that you are welcome to participate whether or not you have been keeping up to date on the sessions. We are using the course plan as a guide for discussion, not as a formula to arrive at any specific educational goal — we are, after all, working on *our own theologies*, not learning anyone’s official doctrine. All are welcome to participate. The reading for session ten is here.

** NOTE: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday. **

Please Join us for Worship.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse.

Children are welcome. The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom. You may park in the lot on the west side of the building; DO NOT PARK in the Washington Avenue pay lot. Please enter through the door on the west side of the building.


Note: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday.

A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing, follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 17 March 2024: Building Your Own Theology, Volume 2, Session 9

Ancient stone tomb called Trethevy Quoit, near Tremar Coombe, Cornwall

Persons are part of the everyday world with which science is concerned, and the conditions which determine their existence are discoverable. A drop of water is not immortal; it can be resolved into oxygen and hydrogen. If, therefore, a drop of water were to maintain that it had a quality of aqueousness which would survive its dissolution we should be inclined to be skeptical. In like manner we know that the brain is not immortal, and that the organized energy of a living body becomes, as it were, demobilized at death and therefore not available for collective action. All the evidence goes to show that what we regard as our mental life is bound up with brain structure and organized bodily energy. Therefore it is rational to suppose that mental life ceases when bodily life ceases. The argument is only one of probability, but it is as strong as those upon which most scientific conclusions are based.

— Bertrand Russell, What I Believe (1925)

This Sunday we will continue our religious education program with Exploring, volume 2 of Building Your Own Theology. In session nine we will discuss Death and Immortality: How Do We Celebrate Life? The course description and schedule are here.

We will open with a very brief service and chalice lighting, after which members will guide each other through the course of study and discussions.

Please note that you are welcome to participate whether or not you have been keeping up to date on the sessions. We are using the course plan as a guide for discussion, not as a formula to arrive at any specific educational goal — we are, after all, working on *our own theologies*, not learning anyone’s official doctrine. All are welcome to participate. The reading for session nine is here.

** NOTE: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday. **

Please Join us for Worship.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse.

Children are welcome. The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom. You may park in the lot on the west side of the building; DO NOT PARK in the Washington Avenue pay lot. Please enter through the door on the west side of the building.


Note: ZOOM will not be available this Sunday.

A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing, follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302