UU Lent 2022

Tomorrow begins the season of Lent.

Calendar for UU Lent 2022

#UULent is designed to be used individually, as a family, or as a congregation. For each day in Lent a word has been selected. Each day participants are invited to reflect on the meaning of the day’s word, then create a photograph that represents the word, idea, practice, or concept and post it here and/or elsewhere.

Beginning on Ash Wednesday and for each day until Easter, the word for the day and a related quote will be posted. Reflect and engage throughout the day, checking for the word and quote in the morning, then come back later in the day to add your photo* and to see the images and words others have shared throughout the day (*YOUR photo – please respect copyright!).

May this intentional practice and discipline impact your daily life in ways that bring you closer to your spiritual core and offer you resiliency for life.

Here at West Fork Unitarian Universalists we will strive to post a reflection each day on the word of the day. We look forward to journeying through this season of contemplation with you.

Special thanks to Mr. Barb Greve, Karen Bellevance-Grace, and Alex Kapitan for their work on #UULent

UU Lent 2021

#UULent is designed to be used individually, as a family, or as a congregation. For each day in Lent a word has been selected. Each day participants are invited to reflect on the meaning of the day’s word, then create a photograph that represents the word, idea, practice, or concept and post it here and/or elsewhere.

Beginning on Ash Wednesday and for each day until Easter, the word for the day and a related quote will be posted. Reflect and engage throughout the day, checking for the word and quote in the morning, then come back later in the day to add your photo* and to see the images and words others have shared throughout the day (*YOUR photo – please respect copyright!).

May this intentional practice and discipline impact your daily life in ways that bring you closer to your spiritual core and offer you resiliency for life.

Here at West Fork Unitarian Universalists we will strive to post a reflection each day on the word of the day. We look forward to journeying through this season of contemplation with you.

Special thanks to Mr. Barb Greve, Karen Bellevance-Grace, and Alex Kapitan for their work on #UULent

Blessed Tuesday

Today is Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday, Fasnacht Tag, and many others.

Whatever you may call it, it is the day before Lent. In the Christian tradition, Lent is a forty-day period before Easter.  (Sundays are skipped in counting the forty days, because Sundays commemorate the Resurrection.)

We will be celebrating UU Lent with daily posts again this year. Here is the calendar. We hope you will join us on this spiritual journey.

Lent is coming

#UULent is designed to be used individually, as a family, or as a congregation. For each day in Lent a word has been selected. Each day participants are invited to reflect on the meaning of the day’s word, then create a photograph that represents the word, idea, practice, or concept and post it here and/or elsewhere.

Beginning on Ash Wednesday and for each day until Easter, the word for the day and a related quote will be posted. Reflect and engage throughout the day, checking for the word and quote in the morning, then come back later in the day to add your photo* and to see the images and words others have shared throughout the day (*YOUR photo – please respect copyright!).

May this intentional practice and discipline impact your daily life in ways that bring you closer to your spiritual core and offer you resiliency for life.

Here at West Fork Unitarian Universalists we will strive to post a reflection each day on the word of the day. We look forward to journeying through this season of contemplation with you.


Lent 2018 – Day 8 – Comfort

Warmth in Winter

Now has come hard winter,
With whip of wind and slash of snow
and the diamond-bright stars in the black ice of the heavens.
Just as we resist the season with shovel and scraper, wool and windbreaker,
we embrace it with sled and snowboard, cocoa and comforter.
Winter is here: let us find warmth in this time of being together.


As REM said, “Everybody hurts”

But what do we do about it? What do we need? Comfort would be the answer.

Merriam Webster defines Comfort:

1: to give strength and hope tocheer

2to ease the grief or trouble ofconsole
We come to church to find comfort in the fellowship and spirit. We need to bathe in warmth and love. Comfort is necessary to help us keep moving towards all of our goals. We are making ourselves strong for another day when we allow ourselves to be comforted. We are making others strong when we comfort them. 
In the reading, “Comfort Ye My People” Barbara Rohde reflects on comfort in all its forms.


Lent 2018 – Day 7 – Power

What is power? Who has power? What does it mean to be in a place of power or position of power? These questions are coming up more often and for many, it has become part of a spiritual practice to answer them.

But there are many kinds of power.

Matthew Johnson wrote For Five Thousand Years or More about spiritual power.

There is natural power like the falls in the picture for this post.

So, how can we best use our power? How can we find our power?

