Unitarian Universalists Denounce Complicity with Extremists, Call for Courageous Action by National Leaders

“The Unitarian Universalist Association joins leaders across this country in calling for the immediate removal of Donald Trump as U.S. President.

As a religious institution, we live faithfully our role as a part of the critical fabric of our country’s moral conscience. And as Unitarian Universalists, we hold democracy as a central principle for our faith. We must use this moment as an opportunity for profound reflection and awakening, not just in a momentary outcry, but as a basis for significant and lasting change.”

For more please read the press release here

Partners with Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

I am excited to announce a new council of UU clergy and leaders from across the country, co-chaired by the Revs. Beth Johnson and Abhi Janamanchi, and gathered to support justice organizing with our partners at the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. I am so grateful to each council member for their commitment to moving organizing forward during this pandemic.

Learn more about council leadership online and get details on how to participate in upcoming digital mass meetings on April 30 and May 28. I look forward to being with all of you as we join our voices to say that everyone has a right to live!

Here is the article on UUA.org

Photo credit

Partners with Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

I am excited to announce a new council of UU clergy and leaders from across the country, co-chaired by the Revs. Beth Johnson and Abhi Janamanchi, and gathered to support justice organizing with our partners at the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. I am so grateful to each council member for their commitment to moving organizing forward during this pandemic.

Learn more about council leadership online and get details on how to participate in upcoming digital mass meetings on April 30 and May 28. I look forward to being with all of you as we join our voices to say that everyone has a right to live!

Here is the article on UUA.org

Photo credit


“A 100% virtual GA comes at a time when many UU congregations have embraced virtual meetings and virtual Sunday services. Although this pandemic has been challenging for many, a silver lining is that UUs are adapting to and seeing the value of incorporating technology into their religious lives. With so many UUs already online, this year’s GA could well be our highest-attended Unitarian Universalist gathering in history! It will be accessible to a more diverse and global audience. It will  also help reduce our carbon footprint, which aligns with our commitment to care for the earth and environment.”

More here – https://www.uua.org/pressroom/press-releases/woyaya-general-assembly-update

UUA Repair Process Shared Statement

From Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray’s facebook post

In the Spring of 2017, our association went through a significant institutional rupture that was also intensely personal for many at the heart of those events. Since then, the UUA has recommitted itself to the work of institutional change, to living into the aspirations of our beloved faith community that is anti-racist, anti-oppressive, multicultural and deeply inclusive. At the same time, as a religious community there was also personal repair work that needed to happen, including with the institution of the UUA.
Acknowledging this, a number of people impacted by the events of the Spring of 2017 gathered recently to engage in a restorative conversation. This process was not about expecting agreement nor getting to full resolution, or healing all that was broken. Rather, this was about making space to gather as people – people within a shared faith – to honor and recognize one another’s humanity with all of our feelings and experiences, and to own our own roles as well as our pain.
Together, with our facilitators, we created a statement to describe our gathering, its purpose and character, which I invite you to read. I shared this as part of my recent report to the UUA Board of Trustees and have permission from those who gathered to share it widely with our larger Unitarian Universalist community. I invite you to approach this statement with curiosity and care, and to let the possibility for restorative practices open your heart.

Here is the repair statement