Month of Nurturing Beauty

Our theme for the month of May is Nurturing Beauty. We will be posting about it and incorporating it into our services.

May we all spend this month nurturing the beauty within ourselves and all around us.

Here are some songs to get us started.

Month of Awakening

Our theme for the month of April is Awakening. We will be posting about it and incorporating it into our services.

May we awakened to a new dawn and be reminded of our faith. May we be awakened to risk so that we may create a new tomorrow.

Here are some songs to get us started.

Renewing Faith in Times of Crisis-Management

“Speaking from a rising generation of clergy and lay leaders who formed their commitments to liberal religion at the end of the optimistic modernist age, she shows how the religious life is not characterized by endless human advancement, but by lurching movement, crisis-management, and pain…” – from After the Good News by Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd

“Utopia for Realists is one of those rare books that takes you by surprise and challenges what you think can happen… Universal basic income. A 15-hour workweek. Open borders. Does it sound too good to be true? One of Europe’s leading young thinkers shows how we can build an ideal world today.” – Utopia for Realists: How We Can Build the Ideal World, Rutger Bregman

Sunday, March 13, 2022

“They asked, ‘If a tree should fall in the woods and one is not there, does it make a sound?’
And the answer came, ‘If a tree should fall and no one is there, listen for the cry of mourning
birds who grieve the loss of their nests. They know where the tree lies. They call you to
companion them as they search for a place to rest. Listen then, for the mourning birds.'” – The Lesson of the Tree by Rev. Aaron R. Payson

This Sunday, Phoebe Durst will present a service titled “Finding our Footing, Renewing Our Faith  When We Are on Shaky Ground.”  She will be focusing on our monthly theme “Renewing our faith,” as it relates to UU history. Phoebe will touch a little on the contemporary history of the Unitarian Universalist Trauma Response Ministry.

Please Join Us for Worship.

We are forgoing meeting in person during the coronavirus epidemic, meeting on Zoom. We share music, readings, and hymns on our usual presentation slides, have a story and a talk, and share joys and sorrows, as well as a virtual “coffee hour” discussion starting at 10:30, with the service at 11. If you prefer not to be seen, video is optional. If you would like to participate, please email for details and a link, or for help with using ZOOM.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other during this time. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Music and Faith

Music can help us renew faith. Our hope is that at least one of these songs inspires you.

April 26 2020 Closing Hymn Grey 298 Wake, Now, My Senses
Heather Jinmaku – The Goddess Is In
All Will Be Well — Meg Barnhouse with Lyrics
Krishna Das – By Your Grace- Jai Gurudev