Sunday, 16 April 2023: Solitude

Not all people are called to be hermits, but all people need enough silence and solitude in their lives to enable the deep inner voice of their own true self to be heard at least occasionally.

— Thomas Merton (modified slightly)

Each of us needs to make space for the “still small voice” of our own true self. Robert Helfer will lead the service.

Please Join us for Worship.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse. If you wish to join on ZOOM, please contact us for logon information. A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing (including ZOOM participants), follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us. If you prefer not to be seen, video is optional. If you would like to participate, please email for details and a link, or for help with using ZOOM.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other during this time. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 12 February 2023: What is love and how might we practice it?

Indra's Net

Without saying it in so many words, often the thread holding all our thoughts and activities together is: “What’s in it for me?” We wonder how we can survive, get ahead, win, succeed , overcome, take over, grab something, be recognized, appreciated, rewarded…you name it, the list is endless.

In lojong practice, the idea is to replace that unspoken intention based on fear and the need to prop up the ego with an intention of benevolence. Rather than making a few heroic or virtuous gestures or taking on some righteous cause, the idea is to have a quality of awareness, gentleness, and benefit to others color everything you do.

Such an intention should color even the way in which you do the simplest things, like picking up your teacup. Your gestures, speech, thoughts, and emotions should all be expressions of one intention: the powerful intention of benefiting sentient beings.

Train Your Mind: All activities should be done with one intention, Judy Lief in Tricycle, July 2010

Here I’ll simply note that what’s unusual about the liberal, free religious tradition to which I belong is that it’s not so much concerned to provide a person with a single, one size-fits-all, out-of-the-box answer to the question of the meaning of life but, instead — through meditation, music, song and thought — to offer a religious way of being in the world that can help a person live the questions they have so that, one long distant day, they will be able to live into an answer that dawns upon them.


Lisa deGruyter will offer music, words, poetry and thoughts relating to what “love” might mean in “Love is the doctrine of this church” and “Love your neighbor as yourself”, as well as some practices of “love”.

Please Join us for Worship.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse. If you wish to join on ZOOM, please contact us for logon information. A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing (including ZOOM participants), follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us. If you prefer not to be seen, video is optional. If you would like to participate, please email for details and a link, or for help with using ZOOM.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other during this time. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 15 January 2023: Epicurean Practices

Silver cup with skeletons of Greek poets and philosophers; Epicurean

Luxurious food and drinks, in no way protect you from harm. Wealth beyond what is natural, is no more use than an overflowing container. Real value is not generated by theaters, and baths, perfumes or ointments, but by philosophy.

Epicurus, from the esplanade wall at Oenoanda, now in Turkey, as recorded by Diogenes of Oenoanda

The Tetrapharmakos — the four-part cure — of Epicurus was “don’t fear god, don’t worry about death, what is good is easy to get, and what is terrible is easy to endure”, far from our modern meaning of epicureanism as “eat, drink, and be merry”. Lisa deGruyter will continue her series on spiritual practices of ancient Greek philosophies and how we might use them, this time on the Epicureans.

Please Join us for Worship.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse. If you wish to join on ZOOM, please contact us for logon information. A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing (including ZOOM participants), follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us. If you prefer not to be seen, video is optional. If you would like to participate, please email for details and a link, or for help with using ZOOM.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other during this time. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 20 November 2022: Seven Pillars of Wisdom?

Wisdom has built her house;
she has set up its seven pillars.
She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine;
she has also set her table.
She has sent out her servants, and she calls
from the highest point of the city,
“Let all who are simple come to my house!”

Proverbs 9:1-4 (New International Version)

Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. We live out these Principles within a “living tradition” of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from sources as diverse as science, poetry, scripture, and personal experience. Robert Helfer will lead the service.

Please join us for Worship:

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time on ZOOM and in person at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse. If you wish to join on ZOOM, please contact us for logon information. A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing (including ZOOM participants), follows from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us.

Classes and worship are replaced by Spiritual Outings on the first Sunday of each month during the summer, with brief worship, a potluck picnic, and outdoor activities. The schedule is in the sidebar.

We would love to have you come worship with us.

Children are welcome.  There is childcare and an activity for young children during the service.

The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom.


The schedule for the current adult religious education class is here.

Email or use our contact form for more information

or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 14 November, 2022: Stoic Practices

stoic: a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining

Oxford Language

stoic: one apparently or professedly indifferent to pleasure or pain


When considering the doctrines of the Stoics, it is important to remember that they think of philosophy not as an interesting pastime or even a particular body of knowledge, but as a way of life. They define philosophy as a kind of practice or exercise (askêsis) in the expertise concerning what is beneficial (Aetius, 26A). Once we come to know what we and the world around us are really like, and especially the nature of value, we will be utterly transformed. This therapeutic aspect is common to their main competitors, the Epicureans, and perhaps helps to explain why both were eventually eclipsed by Christianity.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Stoicism was not so much eclipsed by Christianity as many of its practices were absorbed. Stoic ideas have much in common with Buddhist thought and continue today in many contexts — for instance, the Serenity Prayer. Lisa deGruyter will talk about Stoic practices.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse.  A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing, will follow from the end of the service until 12:00 noon.

Classes and worship are replaced by Spiritual Outings on the first Sunday of each month during the summer, with brief worship, a potluck picnic, and outdoor activities. The schedule is in the sidebar.

We would love to have you come worship with us.

Children are welcome. 

The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom.


The schedule for the current adult religious education class is here.

Email or use our contact form for more information

or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 30 October 2022: The Veil

There was a Door to which I found no Key;
There was a Veil past which I could not see:
Some little talk awhile of ME and THEE
There seemed — and then no more of THEE and ME.

— Edward FitzGerald, translation of a poem attributed to Omar Khayyam

We are told that there are certain times of the year when the veil between the world of the living and that of the dead becomes thinner. The end of October — the time of Diwali, Halloween, Samhain, All Saints Day, All Souls Day, Día de los Muertes — is one such time. This Sunday we will reflect on this veil and its thinning. Robert Helfer will lead the service.

This is a time to remember those who have passed from our lives, and for this reason, we create an altar, a table of remembrance, to help us feel the presence of those we miss. Please bring a momento that connects you to a person whose memory is dear to you — a photograph or some other object — for display on our table of remembrance.

Please join us for Worship:

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m.  at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse. A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing, will follow from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us.

Classes and worship are replaced by Spiritual Outings on the first Sunday of each month during the summer, with brief worship, a potluck picnic, and outdoor activities. The schedule is in the sidebar.

We would love to have you come worship with us.

Children are welcome.  There is childcare and an activity for young children during the service.

The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom.


The schedule for the current adult religious education class is here.

Email or use our contact form for more information

or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 9 October, 2022: Why Practice?

Unitarian Universalism has gone even farther than its Protestant forebears in trimming spiritual practice to the bone. Lisa deGruyter will consider what spiritual practices – exercise – might do to build skills and strength, and suggest some suitable for UUs.

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse.  A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing, will follow from the end of the service until 12:00 noon.

Classes and worship are replaced by Spiritual Outings on the first Sunday of each month during the summer, with brief worship, a potluck picnic, and outdoor activities. The schedule is in the sidebar.

We would love to have you come worship with us.

Children are welcome. 

The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom.


The schedule for the current adult religious education class is here.

Email or use our contact form for more information

or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, September 11, 2022

“If the world had a front porch like we did back then
We’d still have our problems but we’d all be friends
Treating your neighbor like he’s your next of kin
Wouldn’t be gone with the wind
If the world had a front porch, like we did back then” – from “If the World Had a Front Porch” by Tracy Lawrence

This Sunday, Cricket Hall will present a service called “Getting to the Lemonade: the Intentional Practice of Porch Sittin’ and How that Creates Community and Belonging.”

Join us for Worship:

We returned to virtual services in August of 2021, but West Fork Unitarian Universalists were excited to resume in-person services at the end of March 2022. We have also slightly changed our schedule.

Our services are now Sundays at 10:30 a.m. at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave., in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse, with a coffee gathering after the service. More about us.

Classes and worship are replaced by Spiritual Outings on the first Sunday of each month during the summer, with brief worship, a potluck picnic, and outdoor activities. The schedule is in the sidebar.

We would love to have you come worship with us.

Children are welcome. 

The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom.


The schedule for the current adult religious education class is here.

Email or use our contact form for more information

or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, 21 August 2022: Live the Questions Now

Black and white image of fish and birds blending into each other

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue.

Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer

— Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet, translated by Charlie Louth

Trying to love the questions while not seeking the answers — is this the path we are to follow? Robert Helfer will lead the service.

Please join us for Worship:

Our services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m.  at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse. A coffee hour, a time for discussion and socializing, will follow from the end of the service until 12:00 noon. More about us.

Classes and worship are replaced by Spiritual Outings on the first Sunday of each month during the summer, with brief worship, a potluck picnic, and outdoor activities. The schedule is in the sidebar.

We would love to have you come worship with us.

Children are welcome.  There is childcare and an activity for young children during the service.

The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom.


The schedule for the current adult religious education class is here.

Email or use our contact form for more information

or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, July 24, 2022

“I don’t think outside the box, I think of what I can do with the box.” – Henri Matisse

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein

This Sunday we are taking the service “Out of the Box.” This will be an interactive, intergenerational service about spiritual practices led by Cricket Hall.

We will gather at 10:30 a.m. at the Progressive Women’s Association Event Center, 305 Washington Ave. in downtown Clarksburg, behind the Courthouse.  More about us.

Classes and worship are replaced by Spiritual Outings on the first Sunday of each month during the summer, with brief worship, a potluck picnic, and outdoor activities. The schedule is in the sidebar.

We would love to have you come worship with us.

Children are welcome.  There is childcare and an activity for young children during the service.

The building is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom.


The schedule for the current adult religious education class is here.

Email or use our contact form for more information

or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302