Music Brings Joy

Music, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit, and never dies. – Edward Bulwer Lytton

Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without. – Confucius

Music brings a warm glow to my vision, thawing mind and muscle from their endless wintering. – Haruki Murakami

Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch. – Debasish Mridha

Sunday, December 12, 2021

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” – Hamilton Wright Mabie

“This is my wish for you: peace of mind, prosperity through the year, happiness that multiplies, health for you and yours, fun around every corner, energy to chase your dreams, joy to fill your holidays!” – D.M. Dellinger

This Sunday, Cricket Hall will be discussing “Finding Joy Even When the Holidays are Hard.”

Please Join Us for Worship.

We are forgoing meeting in person during the coronavirus epidemic, meeting on Zoom. We share music, readings, and hymns on our usual presentation slides, have a story and a talk, and share joys and sorrows, as well as a virtual “coffee hour” discussion starting at 10:30, with the service at 11. If you prefer not to be seen, video is optional. If you would like to participate, please email for details and a link, or for help with using ZOOM.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other during this time. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Sunday, December 5, 2021

“Joy is an act of resistance.” – Toi Derricotte

“Feeling good is not frivolous, it is freedom.” – adrienne maree brown

“Joy is the transformation of our suffering, not the escape of all we have to face.” – Mark Nepo

This Sunday, John Hall will discussing “Finding a Unitarian Universalist Joy and How That Applies to Our Principles”

Please Join Us for Worship.

We are forgoing meeting in person during the coronavirus epidemic, meeting on Zoom. We share music, readings, and hymns on our usual presentation slides, have a story and a talk, and share joys and sorrows, as well as a virtual “coffee hour” discussion starting at 10:30, with the service at 11. If you prefer not to be seen, video is optional. If you would like to participate, please email for details and a link, or for help with using ZOOM.

If you are a regular attendee, we have added you to our Google Group if we had an email address. If you have not gotten a group email already, please email so that we can add you to the group, which we will be using for staying in touch with each other during this time. Public announcements will continue to be posted here on the website and on our Facebook page and Twitter account, as usual.

Email or use our contact form for more information or write to us at PO Box 523, Clarksburg WV 26302

Month of Opening to Joy

Our theme for the month of December is Opening to Joy. We will be posting about it and incorporating it into our services.

Here is a poem to get us started:

Joy is Hard by Rev. Joe Cherry (Permission secured by Soul Matters)

Joy is hard.

Joy requires us to feel safe enough,

to be safe enough, to open to vulnerability.

To feel joy, you must be brave.

Joy walks into a room after the space has been cleared

Cleared of shame,

Cleared of doubt

Cleared of self-recrimination.

Joy is hard.

Joy is hard

and joy is worth the hard work of preparation.

Preparing oneself and setting down all the defenses

all the shoulds and could’ves,

all the should not haves and might haves.

Joy is worth the work.

You are worth the work.

You can start small:

the simple pleasure of your favorite tea,

the grand freedom of a full belly laugh.

Invite Joy to be your companion.

Here is a song: