Lent 2018 – Day 2 – Focus

What is Focus?

Here are some of the definitions from Merriam Webster Dictionary

1. a: a center of activity, attraction, or attention 
    ba point of concentration
2directed attention emphasis
a: direction
   c: adjustment for distinct vision; also the area that may be seen distinctly or resolved into a clear image
6a localized area of disease or the chief site of a generalized disease or infection
What does Focus mean to you?
How can you improve Focus? 
What is your focus in life or in faith? 
For me, Focus is about the ability to concentrate, but also the need to know where I am going, both in life and in my faith. Meditation can be a great way to help with both of those.
Here is a video meditation designed for kids but good for anyone by Mairead Russell
Also here’s a picture to focus on. Trace the labyrinth, focus on the center, or use it as a way to start the breathing towards focusing.

To close today’s devotional I will leave this prayer

A Prayer for Unfinished Business By Kelly Weisman Asprooth-Jackson

Dear great lathe of heaven,
O foundry of souls,
You churning, burning cosmos which has wrought me on the infinite loom of your celestial body.
Spinning stars and indifferent stones: hear my prayer.
Do not curse me to perish with all my dreams fulfilled.
Do not afflict me with a vision so narrow and a heart so small,
That all my greatest hopes ­could be accomplished within a ­single lifetime.
Rather, bless me with an unquiet spirit.
Anoint me with impertinent oils.
Grant me dreams so great and numerous,
That I might spend the fullness of my days to realize them,
And have ample remaining to leave to my inheritors.
Holy gyre that bore me and must one day take me home,
Allow me the mercy to depart this life with unfinished business.

